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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  October 26, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> good friday morning to you. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am patti ann browne. it is friday october 26th. thank you for watching "fox & friends first". >> let's get right to it. an extreme weather alert hurricane sandy taking same at the east coast. deadly in the caribbean. 21 people have been killed so far. >> now they are bracing for impact. in the northeast people here preparing for sandy. combined with a snowstorm to become frank enstorm. janice dean is tracking sandy. >> the stoecrm is still a
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hurricane. we are going to watch the track as we head into the weekend and early next week because we think this storm will make land fall not as a hurricane but as a hybrid sort of a hurricane inside the center of a foehr easter. somethi -- another eanor' easter. the perfect storm scenario will unfold instead of it being offshore like in 1991 it will come on shore and cause perhaps a lot of problems. you can see some of the outer bands spreading across florida. we will update you on that. looks like we are still going to see the potential for some surf certainly some big waves rain waned along the coast. here's the latest track as of 5:00 a.m. category 1 storm as we head further out in timing
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saturday into sunday. from the delmarva up until new england. millions of people here shoucoue without power for weeks. it could cause problems for the election. if we have power off for a week or two people have flooding people may not be able to vote. >> hope this somehow goes away. janice dean, thanks. >> time for your 5@5:00. outrage growing over the obama administration's conflicting stories on the benghazi terror attack. house speaker john boehner sending president obama a letter demanding answers. the president says the investigation will involve some soul searching. >> when four americans are killed you have to do soul searching in terms of making sure all of our systems are where they need to be.
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that is what we are going to find out. >> leon pineda is saying there wasn't enough real time information. the date stepped evidence says there was. >> what appears to be another insider attack in afghanistan. a taliban infiltrate tore shot yesterday before escaping and joining insurgents. they are trying to say if he is a member of afghan forces or was just wearing a uniform. >> a>> it's about the worst you
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can hear or image. >> marine awe crim returned to her apartment with her 3-year-old daughter the mom found her 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old daughter found in a bathtub. the kid's nanny stabbed them and turned the knife on herself. neighbors say the mother's scream could be heard through out the building. he was notified when he arrived at the airport. they don't have a motive for the killings. there is no word on whether she will survive her own wounds, the nan ne nanny. >> he is accused of trying to commit voter fraud. (inaudible) >> that's allegedly a secret recording of patrick more ran
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telling someone how to commit voter fraud. arlington, virginia police are aware of that tape and they are now investigating a conservative activist recorded the video after asking to commit fraud. president obama taking a break from campaign to go vote back in chicago. he is hoping others will follow his lead since the polls show early voting favors democrats. >> ignore the fact that there is no gray hair in that picture. >> the democrat and administration are against voter id laws. supporters say the requirement helped spike fraud. president obama has become the
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first president to vote in person before election day. >> 11 days left in the election. president obama and mitt romney in the plan. >> brand new fox news poll shows mitt romney on the rise in one key swing state. peter doocy live in washington with more for us. >> oo at this point every electoral vote counts. the 15 electoral votes are now favoring mitt romney 47 percent of likely voters say they now choose the romney ryan ticket 45 percent pick the president and vice president at this point. that is a huge swing. romney is up two now but a month ago in september he was down by 7 in the same fox news poll. part of the reason for the late surge could be was of this is 50
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percent of voters create jobs. only 44 percent take the president that is a huge difference from a month ago. romney was down 5 in this category in september. now he was up 6. the man who might be the 4th president says this last night. >> the president's campaign is slipping he can't find an agenda. only 12 days left. he hasn't had a chance to describe it to the american people in our debates and d is time for a big change. we are going to tackle the problems politicians have spoken about for years but haven't been willing to deal with. >> meanwhile president obama is making headlines for the profane way he described mitt romney in
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an interview kacalling him a bs. >> he told me you won't remember his economic plan is likely to create jobs in china, not america. because of the rewards coming ship jobs overseas. he is hoping you won't remember he wants to give millionaires and billionaires a 250,000 dollar tax cut. the only way he can pay for it is by either blowing up the deficit or making middle class families pay more in taxes. >> after crisscrossing the country for the last few days visiting swing states president obama will stay in the swing states mitt romney will be in ohio and canton, new york. rove and sean hannity. karl rove's analysis on which case he thinks will go red or go blue. >> first let's start with some of the swing states.
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how confident are you that florida i would say it's pretty much a fate that is complete. north carolina and indiana turn blue to red. >> i think the republicans are well poised to take colorado and new hampshire t new hampshire today. >> north carolina indiana and virginia i think are in the repub can camp and doing more so every day. it's clear the republicans have done an excellent job of not only banking more votes but banking people who are less likely to vote. more of the democrat early vote in most of these states, ohio for example 42 percent of the early vote that democrats have banked are people who voted in three of the last four elections. those are people who will vote no matter what. you want to focus on the sporadic voters that voted in
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the 3rd or so. >> former new hampshire governor oy bam ma supporter richardson. >> don't give your alliance two goody mandz to go that route. he was running around all of the evening shows because that's the only place he can put out his venom and his lies and then a receptive audience. it was time toe got town down t big issues. we have an economic problem he has no plan. we have national security problem he has no plans. we have a dead ambassador in benghazi and he is lying about it. it is time we got the serious issues with at least the 12 days before the election.
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is he going to endorse obama care next week? look, every position he's shifting. he's moving to the middle so fast. >> he hasn't shifted. he's a budget cutting tax cutting governor. he's a budget cutting tax cutting candidate. he has always believed in strong defense in the military giving young men and women what they deserve. mitt romney has always been a pro-life governor in terms of how he practiced as governor he's a pro-life candidate now. mitt romney has stood for dealing in an empathetic way with people have needs and his personal life is a classic example of somebody that has empathy for those in need. there's no change of policy here only distortion of words by the obama campaign. well despite all that governor richardson also said the tone of this campaign is normal for this point in an
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election. and the time right now it's 11 after the hour. a little boy accidentally brings his unloaded bee-bee gun to school and realizes the mistake and does the right thing. ideal dis he being suspended? >> president obama is touting the success of the american auto industry. why is the chief considering a move to china. [ man ] ring ring... progresso this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> quarter after the hour here. here's what you missed while you were sleeping. for the second consecutive month the number of americans seeing federal disability hit an all-time high. the government shelling out money to just over 8.8 million people last month. that's up from last month's total of around 8.7 million. a victory for the fight against voter fraud in tennessee upholding the voter id law. obtain a photo id is not a full tax. the public library cards can also be used as id's.
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they will appeal that provision. patti ann? >> thanks ainsley. now to stories you can bank on this morning. in a few hours the latest read on the economy will be released showing how much or how little our economy grew and the gdp numbers may not be much to cheer about. lauren simonetti has a preview for us. >> it is considered the mother of all economic reports how fast or slow the u.s. economy grows is gross domestic product or gdp it is from the july to september period. economists expect a pace of 1.9 percent growth that number will be revised a few times. the u.s. is growing and growing faster than the prior 1.3 percent case. it is hardly fast enough to create jobs and down from the end of last year when at the 4th quarter we were at more than 4 percent. >> one number that is growing fast the price of college.
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151 colleges now cost 50,000 dollars a year or more for fees, tuition, room and board. the most expensive sara lawrence, nyu, columbia, wesleyan and claremont mckenna all topping 58,000 dollars a year. >> that includes room and board. maybe if you commute you can do a little better but not good. >> a jeep considering the move to china? >> chrysler wants to build jeeps in china. it's a huge market. why wouldn't they? the question is will they still make them here in the united states. the answer is yes. in a blog post he says moving all production to china is difficult for even circus acrobats. he was in china for 16 years it left back in 2009. it has been considering moving back among strong sales in asia. if that happened it would be a blow to the economies of ohio, michigan and illinois where jeeps remain. chrysler received more than
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$12 billion of taxpayer bail outmoney. lauren simonetti fox business network. ainsley? >> it is our top story. sandy is taking aim at the east coast. a tropical storm watch issued from florida up to north carolina. sandy can be felt as as far north as massachusetts. eugene ramirez has more on how folks are bracing for this potentially devastating storm. good morning eugene. it was devastating at least not now and at least not compared to what we saw yesterday. if you look out here to biscayne bay it divide the mainland into the city of miami over on the other side over there we saw
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winds and rain crashing across the sea wall with 40 mile an hour gusts. we are seeing occasional 50 mile per hour gusts. there are remnants of what happened overnight. this area had a lot of waterfront homes. these are the bay harbor islands many waterfront homes there which also saw flooding we do have reports of dogs through out south florida. one report of a vote that went completely under water last night as well. as of right now this morning not a lot of action from here. as these bands come through this is intermittent weather that can come toward us.
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time is 19 on the hour. are you getting more buzz than you bargained for? the labels on the energy drinks might be lying for you. don't tell joe biden things are about to get better. he campaignd in a town that just cut hundreds of jobs.
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>> it is 23 after the hour. he better not tell him things are going to get better. vice president joe biden is campaigning with oshkosh, wisconsin. the city's largest employer said it is going to layoff 450 employees. it blamed the layoff on quote difficult decisions it has to make with a looming defense budget cut. two taken aged brothers accused of killing new jersey's autumn
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pascual is expected to be in court today. they will decide if they will remain in a juvenile detention center. they lured her to the home to trade bmx bike parts. her body was found two-days after she was reported missing. now time for the health fix. >> good morning to you patti ann and good morning to everybody at home. drug and alcohol abuse cases are up 70 percent since the year 2001. nationally nearly 23 million people are dependent on alcohol or drugs. researchers say the researchers is because of pain-killer and other prescription misuse. the centers for disease control and prevention announce 14,800 americans died of an opioids overdose in 2008 three times the number of deaths 20-years
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earlier. some experts say the availability of effective treatment. those treatments include medication such as methadone as well as cost therapy. if you want an extra jolt you are not alone. a new study shows you may be getting a little more buzz than you bargained for. according to consumer reports 11 of the top selling energy drinks did not show how much caffeine they labeled. turns out the labels may be lying. researchers discovered five or more brands actually contained more caffeine than stated on their labels. in some cases it was 20 percent more. energy drinks aren't required to show how much caffeine on the drinks. monster energy drink may be linked to a handful of deaths. they studied an fy cancer
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benefits of green tae. how green tea can prevent it. they found chemicals in polyphenols promote sume more cell growth. they are successful in stopping breast and prostate tumors. green tea consumption is high prostate and breast cancer rates are three times lower when compared to the united states. although differences could be attributed to other dietary p k factors. more information on the lathes health news visit fox news >> 26 after the top of the hour. a boy accidentally brings his bee-bee gun unloaded to school. he does the right thing he tells the teacher. why is he being suspended? >> blowing a lot of hot air when it comes to transportation bills. you the tax payer stop footing the bill.
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we will explain. honey, thehave e 55 inch lg... [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more abo it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultralim... maybe next year. you cod always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it!
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ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest brands on your list today... like the lg 55 inch led tv. and put it on layaway now so you have more time to pay. walmart.
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>> it is friday 30 minutes after the top of the hour.
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we continue to follow the extreme weather for you as hurricane sandy takes aim at the east coast. the storm already proving deadly in the caribbean where 21 people have died. >> people along the eastern sea board are bracing for impact. a>> if you live anywhere from cape hatteras to boston learn what the plan will be it will be unprecedented with winds and storm surge and heavy rain. the certainty of the storm we have tropical storm force winds that extend 300 miles. it will just get larger. a super storm if you will. the storms remaining offshore
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but we are still going to feel the effects. anywhere from the carolinas up toward new england. this is the cold front that will draw this storm in the northeast. look at the lathes track 5:00 a.m. 80 mile per hour storm. we think it's going to remain a hurricane over the weekend. monday into tuesday all yareas need to be on alert for a potential disaster situation. beach erosion, storm surge enhanced the full moon monday astronomical storm surge astronomical tied the winds will bring trees and power lines down. we could be without power for
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weeks. make sure you know that. if you have generators make sure they are at the ready and stock up. stock up, ladies. >> janice teen in the weather station thank you. >> with 11 days to go until the presidential election new fox news polls show good news for mitt romney in a key swing state. doug luzader is live in washington with a look at those numbers and how president obama is trying to reverse his flag. >> good morning. let's start quickly with a real clear politics aying of polls. gives mitt romney the edge. the edge has grown just a little bit in fact since yesterday. that has the president running to catch up. it is tough to compete with the kind of tools a president, an incumbent president can bring to bear. this is air force one rolling up to a campaign rally almost used as a prop. this is something i am not sure we have seen before. but this was the last stop after a marathon day in the campaign trail where the president lobbed repeated attacks against mitt
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romney's plan for the economy. >> we have been running around saying he has a five point plan for the economy. turns out it's a one-point plan. folks at the very top get to play by a different set of rules than you do. >> let's take a look at just one swing state in particular to show the challenges that the president faces. this is a new fox news poll out of virginia. the romney ticket now leads by two points after trailing by 7 last month. and let's drill down here on independent voter where the romney ticket leads by 22 points. that is a huge shift in recent weeks. >> the president's plan just keep on spending more than we take in a trillion more a year. this is putting a burden on you and will crush the american dream if he is re-elected. that's why paul ryan and i have a plan to get america on track to cut spending to cap spending and finally get us on track to a balanced budget. >> while the national polling
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numbers are important it really comes down to the state by state battle. this is the current political landscape as far as real clear politics is concerned. right now the electoral college count is getting an edge to the president. it comes down to these states in yellow. especially the 18 electoral votes in ohio. >> doug luzader live in washington, thanks. >> time for your 5@5:30. top five stories making news. outrage growing over the obama administration conflicting stories on the benghazi terror attack. the house speaker john boehner says in the absence of your direct engagement to clarify these concerns the public's frustration and confusion is likely to discredit efforts to achieve our shared goals of justice and accountability. leon pineda explain whying the u.s. military didn't intier convenient. >> basic principal is you don't
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deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on, without having some real time information. >> but those state department e-mails do show there was real time information detailing the attack as it was happening. and the father of a former navy seal killed in the benghazi terror attack is breaking his silence. charles woods criticizing president obama for not looking him in the eye when tyrone woods body in his home and making him doubt the president's sincerity. >> it was not as sincere. i am really sorry your son died but it was a totally insincere whining type of i am sorry. it was like this shaking hands. >> hillary clinton was not sincere since she blamed the attack on anti islam video. >> transit authority have been
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scamming taxpayers for a decade uncle sam knew about it. it says the feds have known since 2007. the group's cause of action says the scam resulted in 150 million in extra funds since 1982. the fed maintained they did not know about the over billing and now ordered a stop to this practice. a spokesperson for the federal transit authority claims the total amount is actually less than $25 million. an 8-year-old georgia boy forgot he had an unloaded bee-bee gun in his backpack. when he got to school and realized it he did the right thing told his teacher. what happened? he was suspended. andrew berry's mom says he had the gun because he spent the night at his grandparents and was going to go shooting with his grandfather. she says a 10-day suspension and a visit to juvenile court is excessive. the school says it has zero tolerance for weapons.
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first family late night swing continues michelle obama sitting down for the first time on jimmy kimmel live. she also showed kimmel she has a plan if he forgets to vote. >> up and adam. let's go. get your shoes on. let's go. up, up, up. >> all right, okay. >> first lady also encouraging people to do early voting. those are your 5@5:30. >> time now to entertain this. looks like the fairy tale is over already for tailor swift and connor kennedy. sources say the pair have split up after two months. lots of kennedy family time and swift's impending purchase of a $5 million home near their home.
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the breakup will be over being too far apart. are you ready to rock? ♪ >> bon jovi fans have something to look forward to next year. the band will be going on a new world tour set to begin in february. there will be 500 shows. >> kate middleton's younger sister is enjoying some time in the spotlight. pippa middleton has released a book called celebrate a year of british festivities for families and friends. it's a recipe and party planning book. it is actualitime for the r. two of the world sris winning 2-0 to take a 2-0 lead. game 2 in detroit. sprigs will be live in detroit on fox and friends.
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some more possible bad news for all of us yankee's fans. the team's gm says rivera hasn't decided if he wants to return next season. he might retire. baseball's leader is recovering from a torn acl. tearing apart the vikings beating minnesota 36-17. it's the first loss at home this season. the time now 40 minutes after the hour and second by second inching close tore the fiscal cliff. >> you have heard of 7 minute ads but 2 and a half minutes be the key to staying lean. i hope so. their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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[ laughing ] [ laughing ] [ laughing ] [ laughing ] ♪
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>> hurricane sandy heading straight for the east coast. a tropical storm watch is issued from florida to north carolina and sandy's impact could be felt as far north as massachusetts. this after it already wreaked
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havoc on the caribbean with a death toll on 20 people. many people are already bracing for this storm. good morning, robert. >> patti ann. good morning to you. good morning everyone. we have been watching the models very carefully. the 5:00 a.m. update shows this storm coming ashore somewhere near delaware and making a sharp turn to the northwest. that is important because it puts the jersey shore where we are in the northeast quadrant of that storm which typically is the strongest part of any ret n hurricane or any tropical storm. let's show you video from earlier of the damage this storm has already done in cuba. plenty of damage there. it whipped up waves in miami. we are expecting this storm to hit the open waters, gain strength and come ashore somewhere near the delaware south jersey area. many of the area has memories of irene on their minds.
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irene caused billions of dollars of damage. already people here are getting ready for what some are calling the perfect storm. one saw homeowner sandbagging his home yesterday. this is the calm before the storm which is why experts say it is time to get yourself a disaster preparation kit. make sure you have bottled water, batteries and plenty of food on hand in case the storm does the damage it is expected to do. we are live in belmar, new jersey robert moses, fox news. robert, thank you so much. the fiscal cliff is still too much off but the tax hikes and spending cuts already hampering our economy. diane mess is heis here. >> the fiscal cliff may not have hit left but it is already hampering growth in the u.s. economy wiping out nearly 1 million jobs so far this year. the report goes on to forecast if congress fails to avert the cliff 6 million jobs will be
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lost before 2014 sending the unemployment rate up to 12 percent. part of the problem is the anticipation of the cliff. we are looking at 100 billion automatic cuts to the military and federal agencies and 400 million in tax hikes. it is the largest spurt of deficit reduction in more than 40 years. it is also likely to push the fragile economy into a significant but brief recession. many experts predict the repercussions would be much worse than that. companies are bracing for the expected fallout laying off workers and postponing major purchases. the democrats in government have no consensus on how to deal with it. with business on capitol hill pretty much on hold until the election i wouldn't expect one any time soon. sorry to be doom and gloom. >> it is 46 after the hour. remember when then senator barack obama made this promise
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about immigration reform? >> what i can guarantee is we will have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and i am promoting. fast forward four years. why has nothing been done? judge alex's parents were immigrants from cuba. he will weigh on this coming up next. >> will they already lost theirs but craig list ad poorly phrased cost them everything they ever owned. hey, steve, happy friday. >> yes indeed 12 minutes away from fox and friends. a brand new fox news poll. >> it looks like the swing for mitt romney in an important swing state we will tell you where coming up and all of the details. you are going to meet a doctor who spent 7 days in a coma and he says at that time he was actually in heaven and has a whole new perspective on the after life. plus sharon osbourne, geraldo rivera and you fox and friends
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kicks off about 12 minutes from now right here on the fox news channel. ately. but because of business people like you, things are beginning to get rolling. and regions is here to help. making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. from business loans to cash management,
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we want to be your partner moving forward. so switch to regions. and let's get going. together.
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a oo 9 s>> 9 until the top of t hour. all you need is 2 and a half minutes of intense workouts. an intense workout can burn as many as 200 extra calories. need to be a period of recovery following each burst. >> president obama and mitt romney raised a staggering $2 billion in campaign funds. it puts them on pace to be the costyest of all times. john mccain raised about $8 million.
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remember when he made this promise about immigration reform. >> i can't guarantee it will be in the first 100 days. what oy can guarantee is we will have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and i am promoting and move it forward as quick as possible. >> in the first year? >> in the first year. >> fast forward four years no significant immigration reform and the president can't answer why he broke that promise. >> i am happy to take responsibility for the fact that we didn't get it done. i didn't make a promise we would get everything done 100 percent. when i was elected as president. >> the hispanic vote who has been left in the dark? judge alex joins us now. why didn't he keep his promise and how will it effect the election. >> my opinion is he didn't keep the promise because nobody expects immigration reform and they are going to do something
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about it. >> definitely in the first year. i have news for you even if gets elected this year or if romney gets elected this year we are not going to have immigration reform. >> why are the majority of hispanic voters supporting him? >> they hope. their perception is. clearly not everybody. personally hispanics don't think they have their o like that bu. my perception is both sides use this as a talking point to get hispanic votes. when push comes to shove once elected there is very little they can do. >> little that can be done. so what can we expect? you are saying hope. what can be done? >> personally tanks not going to change regardless of who is elected. if romney gets elected i think democratic controlled senate
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anything will be beneficial to the republican area. if obama gets elected it's a point where it's not about what is best for america it's about what is best for the party. tough issues like this are tough to begin with they become impossible when you are being fought in congress. >> you speak first hand. your parents you were born in cuba your parents moved to the u.s. how old were you? >> i was a baby. they clawed their way up to what was comfortable. i was able to take advantage of the educational opportunities. look where i am. >> how did you become a citizen? >> natural way. i am a judge and things have to be done legally. i firmly support a tough immigration policy that is fair. it is not an easy issue. you want to see tremendous
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inflation construction costs food prices everything went through the roof. nothing i think illegal immigrants should be paid less and take advantage of the work. it's a reality. >> think about that and the flip side is the strain on the resources. >> huge strain and children she was afraid she was going to get kicked out of the country she grew up here. she wasn't at fault for being here. it is now 5 minutes to the top of the hour. they already lost their home but a poorly phrased craig's list ad cost them everything they ever owned. can you figure out a word of the day. stick around it's a long one. stick around for the answer.
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♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪ ♪ though you haven't any money you can still be bright and sunny ♪
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♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪
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♪ hah >> a minute and half until the top of the hour. we'll look at the good, bad and ugly . first the good. just in time for the 126th anniversary, the stateur of
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liberty will be reopened. it has been closed for a 30 million dollar renovation project. the bad, this visitor was found on the golf course. the two foot leopard shark was found. it was still alive. workers brought it back to the ocean and let it free. and the ugly. a georgia's pam fam -- family attempted to close. crowds of people showed up and broke in and ransacked the place and taking almost everything . >> that is bad. now time for the scrambled word . gretchen carlson is here. can you figure out the long word. >> monster storm .


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